

In 2013, long-standing committee member Tony was made an Honorary Life Member of the club. He was one of the founding members fifty years ago. The club will be forever in his debt for the time, effort and experience he freely gave and he will be missed by all who knew him.




Will all members who see anyone riding quad-bikes or scrambler bikes on the marsh or beach please contact the secretary immediately!
If possible try to get a close-range photograph of the machine with registration number. It would be advisable to make the call before the photo. The secretary can then phone the police with location details.

Please remember to remove any and all lead cartridges from your fowling bag and pockets before visiting the marsh. Committee members WILL be carrying out BAG CHECKS on every visit this season and you should only have Non-Toxic with you!

Your committee has re-negotiated a new five year consent agreement from Natural England for the Camp Marsh:
Natural England gives you consent to carry out, cause or permit to be carried out the operations as specified in the notice dated 24 June 2013, on the land as specified in the notice :-
Specified operations:
· The killing and removal of any wild animal through the shooting of quarry species permitted by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
· The erection of temporary hides, to be removed at the end of visit by member
· 2 puntgunners per season
· 130 visits per season
Details of the operation:
For the wildfowling activity to take place, on foot, for the shooting of lawful quarry bird species over the area over the foreshore as shown in the zone highlighted in pink on the map
. The construction of temporary hides which are to be taken down at the end of the visit and no permanent hides to be constructed. No disturbance to the natural vegetation and no digging
. The number of wildfowling visits will not exceed the 130 visits per season (season from the 1st September to the 20th February)
A visit will be the equivalent to one flight in a day, dawn or dusk or one tidal flight within a 24hrs period that will include moon-light shooting. A wildfowling visit is determined to be one person with one gun and does not include scouting or access visits to the shooting zone highlighted in pink only.
Each year the club will forward a detailed bag return to Natural England including the level of puntgunning and moon-light shooting

Happy Wildfowling