Members’ News



Next club meeting will be in March.

Please return you bag records for the local marsh asap.


Members are reminded that there is no shooting on thursdays, fridays or saturdays on the Local marsh

The Local marsh is closed to shooting one sunday each month for the Wetlands Bird Survey counts, it is the sunday nearest the 15th of each month.

The marsh is open for shooting on the *THURSDAY* BEFORE THAT WeBS SUNDAY.

Monthly Bag Returns MUST be sent to your secretary at the end of EACH MONTH for that Marsh if you make any visits there.

You must have a dog available on the marsh when shooting.

No shooting in February on the Local Marsh!


Club Meetings through the year:

September     NO MEETING

October          NO MEETING

November      General meeting

December      NO MEETING  (Xmas)

January          General meeting to catch up from November.

February        NO MEETING.

March            General meeting, end of season catch up and bag returns.

April               NO MEETING.

May                Annual General Meeting.

June               NO MEETING.

July                General meeting, Subscriptions / New membership

August           Permits, Club cards, Marsh updates.


Here is a link to the Wardening Report Form

It is in .pdf format, you should be able to open the link then save the file to your computer and print it off.


All members must now use Bag Returns and send them to the secretary by the due date.

Local Reserve Bag Returns must be emailed to the secretary at the end of each month and must tally with your end of season return!

If you are selling a gun or gun-related items, beware of people visiting your home!

Link to article reporting on a gun robbery go to THIS PAGE.


If you’re out on the sand and feel your feet sinking, go back the way you just came – without delay!


If you find a TICK on your dog then visit this page for details of how to remove a tick from a dog.

All members should have their Member’s Handbook with club rules included. Please check closely on which days you can visit the Local marsh.


For those wanting to join the club, here’s the Membership Form to download as a jpg file.



Black Labrador Puppies for sale.

All pups are now sold – thanks.



If you receive a letter from Humberside Police it’s just regarding gun security stuff and probably a notice that they plan to visit your house. Nothing to get bothered about. Remember that nobody, including your wife / son / daughter or parents must know where you keep your security keys. Make sure that if they think they might know where you keep them, that they DO NOT tell anyone who visits your house. Sort this out now – before anyone visits. See B.A.S.C website for more.

For part of the 50 Years celebration the club put on a Barbeque for members, children & friends,  There was a Bouncy Castle for the kids which was busy all afternoon giving their parents a break and opportunity for a relaxed chat. The club is making a donation of the £5 per head ticket fee to the St Andrews Children’s Hospice.

Some very interesting reading at these two links about annual booster jabs and dog food quality. Don’t just take your dog for it’s yearly jab when the vet tells you to – it is probably not needed and could harm your dog.
 Foods that are not suitable for feeding to your dog:
Some types of food can cause illness and even death to man’s best friend, so it’s important that you and your family are aware of what damage a sneaky snack under the table could do.
Details on Poisonous Plants & Flowers at this page

Sugar-Free Items Containing Xylitol
Even the most knowledgeable pet owners may not have heard about this very dangerous hazard. Xylitol, an artificial sweetener in products like sugar-free gum, candy and mints, causes a sudden release of insulin in a dog’s body that leads to serious low blood sugar. It can also cause liver damage. Xylitol acts fast— you could see vomiting, lethargy and other signs of poisoning in less than 15 minutes. If left untreated, the condition can be fatal. Make sure your dogs don’t have access to sugar-free baked goods or open purses containing sugar-free gum and mints.

Raw Salmon
This contains a parasite which can be lethal to canines so make sure any salmon is well cooked.

Potentially deadly to dogs especially puppies. Products containing chocolate include substances called methylxanthines that can cause vomiting or even death. The darker the chocolate, the worse it is, but it’s best to avoid it completely and not take any risks. If you want to give your dog sweet treats, buy them from your local pet shop.

Milk and cheese
Many dogs are lactose intolerant because they lack the enzyme needed to break down milk sugar. This causes gastrointestinal pain, diarrhoea and vomiting, which can lead to your dog being dangerously dehydrated if you don’t take it to the vet. Cheese is very high in fat and, if eaten in large quantities, can lead your dog to develop pancreatitis, which will soon result in death.

Giving your dog alcohol is a bad idea. This poison shouldn’t be inflicted on your pet: too much alcohol could lead to vomiting, breathing problems and death.

Grapes and raisins
They’re healthy for us, but grapes and raisins can increase urination and induce vomiting in your dog. In severe situations, too many grapes or raisins will become poisonous, bringing on life-threatening kidney failure. Symptoms show about 24 hours after they’ve eaten the fruit, but if you suspect your dog or pup has eaten too many take them to the vet immediately. Apart from poisoning, there’s also the risk of choking as your dog won’t be used to chewing and swallowing smaller items of food.

Onions and Garlic
Can be deadly to your labrador, whether they’re raw, cooked or even dried. They can cause the destruction of red blood cells and lead to anaemia, which can be life threatening. Symptoms of onion poisoning include lethargy, weakness, red urine and pale or bluish gums.

Various Nuts, Turkey & Chicken Skin, Green or Sprouting Potato Skins, Avocados, Apricot and Peach stones, Apple Pips,  Sultanas, Tea & Coffee, Green Tomatoes & Plants, Rhubarb leaves, any food containing Artificial Sweetener – xylitol / aspartame etc.



Your local gun shop.

Southerton Guns shooting supplies shop in Habrough

Southerton Guns, Directions from Stallingborough roundabout – on to Immingham, past the petrol station then turn off left as the road bends right near the Bluestone Pub. Follow the road to Habrough, left at the junction then along to the Railway Station, car parking turn-in is just before the shop at the station buildings.
Heading from the Oaklands at Laceby, through Riby and turn 2nd right into Keelby at the sharp left bend then on to Brocklesby village, turn right at the crossroads, one sharp left and the shop is over the railway lines – look for the Canada decoy.
Support your local dealer!

Tel: 01469 575758 / 07957 279021

Tue-12 Noon-5.00pm

FIELDSPORTSBRITAIN – Loads of good videos

 If you would like to receive the B.A.S.C. ‘FAST-TRACK NEWSLETTER’ with the latest shooting information then go to This B.A.S.C. page link and sign up with a Username and Password. While you’re on that Login Page, (for Internet Explorer users:)  open up your favourites folder, Right-click on any of the favourites and select ‘Create New Folder’ this will add a new folder at the bottom of the list, just type ‘SHOOTING’ while it is still blue and you have a dedicated folder in your favourites for shooting website links. For Google Chrome users: Right-click in the ‘Other bookmarks’ tab at the top right of your browser and follow the instructions, new folder etc.

Click back on the B.A.S.C. Login page and click ‘Add to Favourites’ you can then rename that link to something like – B.A.S.C. Login Page username awildfowler password helloducky. You can also click on the SHOOTING folder and drag it up the list to the top.


Happy Wildfowling